This version of CB is a pre-release beta and as such is not completed yet, but is very much fully-functional. Comments/Suggestions are welcome as we move towards the 1.00 release in early 1995. This version of CB is only functional for 60 days so be sure to occasionally check back on the status of CB to ensure the 1.00 release is not missed. Remember to take advantage of our early-bird discount by registering CB prior to v1.00 (see ORDER.FRM). Note: This application is not yet capable of working in a multitasking environment where more than one node may be using the application at one time. If your BBS does not have support for protecting such applications, please provide this by the use of .BSY flags in the meantime. Sample BATch file: cd\cb if exist cb.bsy goto end echo busy > cb.bsy cb c:\bbs\node1\door.sys del cb.bsy goto exit :end Rem ProEcho or EEcho a short note to the Caller here letting them know Rem the door is busy :exit cd\bbs